City center, again

My new office could not be more central. Two blocks from Copenhagen Central Station, two blocks from Tivoli, and two blocks from RĂ„dhusplasen (the town hall). It takes me fifteen minutes by bike to get to work, and that is ideal. It’s long enough so you get your blood moving, but not so long that you’re a sweaty mess when you get to work.

Mom and dad, on the street where my new office is located The new office is, in fact, an apartment that happens to have a living room big enough for six desks There are so many great old buildings in Copenhagen that after a while you stop noticing

The office itself is, in fact, a one-bedroom apartment with an oddly large living room, and a dining room that serves as a meeting room. It has a small kitchen, and a tiny bedroom, which is used for our servers and a printer. For lunch we order from any one of hundreds of places that deliver, so there’s little chance we’ll get stuck eating the same thing week after week.

If we hire one more employee, things will get a little cramped My desk Our meeting room was, no doubt, a dining room at one time.

I really like being so central. I like the fact that I can easily run errands when necessary, and meeting a friend for a beer or dinner after work is no problem.

If there is a downside, it’s the noise. The sounds of construction work, heavy trucks, and sirens is routine. This will be less on an issue now that summer is over though, both because because construction slows down in the old months, and because closing the office windows cuts down on the noise to a surprising degree.

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