Parental Figures Visit

Mom and Dad were just here for two weeks. It was really fun to show them around and hear their impressions of where I’ve been living. My apartment is plenty big enough, so we weren’t crowded, and we had enough time to see and do quite a bit despite the fact that I really couldn’t take much time off work.


When I was at work they’d take a bus tour or take the train to see a castle or a scenic town, and then in the evening we’d walk around and explore a neighborhood and then sit at a sidewalk cafe, visit, and have a coke. On the first Saturday we went to an indoor market where I got a cool couch set for the apartment from the 60s for around $100. We took the train across the bridge to Sweden on the 2nd Saturday.

Prior to getting the couch, I didn’t have anywhere to sleep because they were using the bedroom, but it worked out just fine because someone downstairs stores a nice cot under the stairs, so I just borrowed it each night until I got the couch.

I saw quite a few new sites (they walked around so much during the day that they were teaching me shortcuts by the time they left), including Tivoli, which is actually quite nice, especially at night.

Overall they seemed to like it and to have fun. There are lots of pictures.

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