During almost four decades of watching people reproduce, sometimes foolishly and sometimes on purpose, I’ve never thought much of it. It didn’t compel me to follow suit. There certainly wasn’t any jealousy. And the kids, while I enjoyed them (some more than others), they didn’t make me want kids of my own.
But now, now that there’s one on the way, one that’s mine… it’s different. It’s exactly what the parents I know have been saying all along, I guess, but I didn’t understand because… well, their kids are boring and unexceptional.
In contrast, this one is special. This one is amazing. I can already tell. Truly a thing of beauty. So much so that I already feel sorry for other parents, having made such a fuss over nothing. It’s quite embarrassing for them.
Lisbeth and I have talked about this, and decided that we won’t make matters worse by constantly pointing out how astoundingly great the kid is. It would be pointing out the obvious anyway.
Well, I don’t even know how the child will be able to compare to mine, but congratulations anyway!
Dear Son,You are the most beautiful child then and now. Before you were born I loved you and wondered if you would have all your fingers and toes but it didn’t matter.
This is great news, especially if you’re buying a round of dooky. We wish you both mange hygge!
I don’t understand why this transformation happens, but it does. Intelligent people who were apathetic or even hostile about kids are transformed into gibbering fools who incessantly prate about how amazing and pretty their kids are, and the colorful language they pick up that you think you stopped using, and how they made the cutest little turd last week. You and I are of course the rare exceptions.
Congratulations cousin! That’s double congratulations – first on your marriage to your beautiful bride and second on your forthcoming child. Family life is a good thing and I wish you my blessings.
BTW, I think I saw you on CBS Sunday Morning a few months ago. They were doing a story about the happiest city in the world and I think I saw you riding a bike. You, or the person who looked like you, had very dark sunglasses on with a black t-shirt without any printing. If it wasn’t you then you have a twin double there in Copenhagen.