Actually your guess is spot on. Or would have been had I not run out of time. I did twenty five-loads on the bike, and I think I was pretty close to having moved half of our things by weight. We rented a truck on the last day, but that was the plan all along because there was no way I was going to move the couch or the bed on the bike, no matter how impressive it is. (And it is impressive.)
How many back-and-forth trips? My guess: 57.
…or did you cheat and use a truck for some of it?
p.s. that cargo bike is a sweet ride!
Actually your guess is spot on. Or would have been had I not run out of time. I did twenty five-loads on the bike, and I think I was pretty close to having moved half of our things by weight. We rented a truck on the last day, but that was the plan all along because there was no way I was going to move the couch or the bed on the bike, no matter how impressive it is. (And it is impressive.)
Bizarre yet utilitarian.
Rent or own?
Own. I’ve wanted one for a while, but didn’t have a good excuse. It’s already changed the way we shop, that’s for sure.